Thursday, July 9, 2009

No fun AT ALL

Monday’s workout was supposed to be my easy spin day. It started that way. For the most part, I did get in an hour or so of easy riding, but I got in on part of a group ride as well. I passed them on the road and turned around to join in the pace line. I gave chase and realized that there must be some heavy hitters on the front of that group because I was not gaining very quickly. I pushed harder and harder and finally gave in to the fact that I would not catch them on my own. I knew they would be stopping soon to regroup, so I would join them then. I rolled up, spoke to a few of the guys and decided to take an all natural break. When I got back to my bike, they were all back on the road. I was back in chase mode. Once again, I was firing all cylinders to bridge to them. Once again, I could not make the catch. I met them at the next regrouping area and scolded them for their lack of sportsmanship. Of course, they laughed and said they didn’t know I was not with them. Blah, blah, blah. I did not miss the start when they rolled out this time. I stayed right in the front 5, did my pull and my day was done. I dropped off at the turn leading to my house, and limped home. The hill I climbed every day was still waiting. I managed to look at my GPS as I climbed it and the gradient starts at 4% and goes up steadily to 19%! I knew it was steep, but not THAT steep.

I missed my Tuesday training ride and had to play catch up on Wednesday. I had a 2 hour ride with 6 sets of 4 minute intervals at aerobic capacity. This was an extremely difficult workout; not because of the intervals, but because I just did not have any snap. My legs felt dead and heavy. It was a struggle to get and stay into the proper power zone. I hope tonight’s ride is much better.

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