Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dude, where’s my chain?

Another LT workout…dreaded horrors! I got home, got dressed and was out the door pretty quickly hoping to avoid rain. I have to admit I was dragging as I started out. I was almost certain this was going to be a substandard workout because I felt tired and sluggish. I had to tell myself to push on, get it done. I was supposed to do this work out Tuesday, but life got in the way, as they say. (Who’s “they” anyway?)
I started feeling much better as I got about 20 minutes into my warm-up. I went to the National Park and did Monday’s ride backwards, i.e. uphill. I started the lap on my SRM and nailed it. I was flying up this road! It felt like I had no chain on the bike. I kept thinking what is going on here? Dude, where’s my chain? This was, by far, the best LT effort I have done to date. I averaged 19.9 mph on this uphill push of just over 5 miles. I turned around and went back down to do it all one more time. The second 20 minute set HURT. It was MUCH harder to stick the watts. I should have expected this because the 2nd set always seems to be a lot harder. My first set was the highest average watts I have ever done on one of these sets. My second effort was par for the course. The watts dropped, but I stayed in the LT zone. Traffic was pretty heavy in the Park for a Wednesday, but most drivers were pretty courteous and I moved over into pull offs as often as I could to let them pass. However, I did not slow or back off the effort. I pulled off as long as the pavement would allow, then jumped back into the lane. This was a really good workout. I would never have thought it would go so well from the way I felt starting this ride. I was able to get in just under 40 miles in 2 hours with no rain. The worst part of the ride was limping my whipped butt back home. My hill from Hell was waiting on my road home and it was a brutal assault on my legs to get up that grade. I had no trouble falling asleep.

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